Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Cover Work Thursday 19th March

Period 1-2 Year 10 Media Studies

CD cover photo shoots
All students who have brought their props and costumes and ONLY those who have brought props and costumes will be taking the photos for their CD covers today. Mr Fairnie (E18) will be available to support with this and supply cameras. Students should get changed one group at a time in the media cupboard across the corridor and get on with other work (outlined below) whilst waiting their turn to be photographed in front of the screen at the front of the classroom. If they so wish, they may go outside to be photographed but should note that if they want to be able to cut themselves out using Photoshop the plain background would be best.

Whilst all that is going on, anyone not directly involved in photographing/being photographed should work on completing their sketchbooks, which should include:

1. My Music
2. Questionnaires on music tastes and consumption habits with results written up and/or shown in graph format.
3. Mood Board made, photographed, stuck in book and annotated.
4. Details of your own original music act.
5. Logo analysis (at least 3 annotated)
6. Logo designs x4
7. Final logo design drawn and annotated
8. Logo made in Photoshop, printed and stuck in book with evaluative comments.
9. 5 thumbnail designs for your CD cover – coloured and annotated
10. Analysis of a CD cover of an existing music act of the same genre as yours (last week’s homework)
11. Final draft of 700-1000 word essay analyzing Pink’s ‘I’m not Dead’ CD cover
12. Target Audience profile (demographics/psychographics)

Students MAY use the ICT room along the corridor (E15) if they need to and cover teacher should move between the two rooms to supervise.

After taking photos groups should upload them onto their user areas and begin making their CD covers in Photoshop. Dimensions for a CD cover: 31cmx15cm.

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